Are We Fighting the Wrong Fight?

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I groaned and sighed as I realized we are now entering a new election cycle. “Can I just skip it altogether?”

I probably am not alone in those feelings.

In the words of Yogi Berra, “Its déjà vu all over again.” I recall the last presidential election cycle, and the resultant Christian articles about deeply divided “purple” congregations.

And to quote the apostle James, these things ought not so to be.

Several things concern me about not only our country but about Christians and our churches.

  1. The level of division and splintering that is occurring in our country

  2. Media reporting designed to incite negative emotions and outrage resulting in higher anxiety levels. (My counseling clients suffering from anxiety and depression report and demonstrate heightened stress levels and worsening symptoms simply by watching the news.)  

  3. Most importantly, Christians seem easily sidetracked into fighting the wrong fight. They forget who they are, their purpose in this time and culture, and the true fight that is going on.

Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t recommend avoiding political issues altogether. After all, we are commanded to pray for those in authority over us.

I am not advocating that we forego expressing our concerns by writing or speaking to legislators. I do that on certain issues.

I am not advocating that we stick our heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening around us. (Although I seriously considered turning off the TV until December). We have a duty to be good citizens of our country.

But we as Christians have a much higher calling and purpose. We are to show forth the light and love of Christ. We cannot do that if we are so consumed with political outrage that we cannot love.

And we are to fight the good fight. That is the fight for our own discipleship, for souls, and for eternity. We cannot afford to fight the wrong fight.


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