Surviving Stress During Times of Rapid Change


Last Friday I had the opportunity to speak to a group of pastors via a virtual lunch and learn event on the topic of Surviving Stress in Times of Rapid Change.

The interviewer asked me, “Since most pastors seem to thrive off of the interaction with their congregations. How can these leaders avoid depression in this season of ‘isolated ministry’?”

I said, “You know, at the beginning of the “stay-at-home” orders in Ohio where I live, I spent two days home alone. Both days I ended up leaving my house just to drive through the Starbucks drive-thru, in spite of the full pots of coffee at my house.”

Why? Part of it was to get out, but also just to see a face and interact with another person. And I am an introvert!

I guess all of us are feeling the pinch of this social distancing, but extroverted pastors are likely to feel it even more.

That’s just one aspect of stress that some of us may experience! You may be reeling under any number of other stressors.

So with that in mind, here are a few strategies to help survive (and even thrive) during this time of dealing with the stresses of rapid change.

1st, Focus on the opportunity.  At one point after this whole thing started, I spent an entire day reassuring my clients and calming our staff, trying to build everyone’s confidence.

Later that same day, I found myself back home sitting at the kitchen table having a mini-melt-down myself! I had to laugh as my husband tried to console and encourage me.

I realized I had to get my head right. So I began to tell myself over and over, “This is an opportunity. An exploit with God! There are opportunities to leverage. This is the day that the Lord has made – that he has given us.”

I continue to say those things to myself.

You must do the same. Focus on opportunities. Church attendance is up for many due to the on-line environment. It’s an opportunity to exploit. It is an opportunity to exercise our faith. And to trust God.

2nd, Limit the negativity.  It’s true there are negatives, obstacles, and disadvantages to the current situation. We have to acknowledge them. Take a look at them. Make efforts to minimize them.

We have to look at the money coming in (or not coming it). We have to check in with the news to stay informed. But we don’t have to make it our primary focus.

3rd, Maintain your routines. Maintaining your regular routines provides a sense of normalcy. There’s a huge temptation during times of added stress is to let go of exercise, sleep and devotional time with God. Those are the things that we most need to be doing most!”

Exercise is a fundamental strategy to reduce and manage stress! So is getting adequate rest. Maintain our regular spiritual disciplines? Of course! Could anything be more important right now?

I can’t speak for you but I readily admit that I struggle with the stress of this series of uninvited changes in my life, business, and plans. I very well may experience another mini-melt-down here or there.

However, I’m staying focused on the opportunities, limiting the negativity I allow in my mind and fighting to maintain my daily routines. I trust you will do the same!


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