Covid-19: Crisis or Opportunity?

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I sat at my kitchen table one day this past week. My mind and even my body seemed to sink beneath an overwhelming weight of stress and worry. I could not focus.

The current or potentially eminent Covid-19 Coronavirus events (social distancing, quarantines, folks just plain afraid to go out) could severely damage my counseling business and revenue. Not only that, but I have a dozen employees and therapists whose livelihoods depend on the business.

Almost overnight I found myself scrambling to develop teletherapy policies and a platform for our counseling office. How do we bill such services? Do insurances pay for it? How can I communicate information about it clearly to clients? How do I train and provide directions for our therapists?

I also thought about you.

Some of you already have internet streaming and social media platforms, yet may be struggling to implement new ways of communicating with ministry teams. You may be questioning how you will manage financially. And I thought about those of you who may not even have a website.

I wondered about what particular changes you are facing this week as churches are being asked to stop large gatherings to help flat-line this virus.

Gradually, though, my thoughts turned more hopeful. Sure, quickly changing the way we do things creates stress. But could this even also create a great opportunity?

I thought about how Jesus went to places with large gatherings of people to preach and how many across our neighborhoods, cities, and the globe will be online searching for answers to their worries.

I realized that I needed to re-frame my way of thinking if I was going to be able to focus and get the job done. Instead of viewing this as a crisis, I told myself, I can see it as an adventure. I love a good adventure. So for the remainder of that day, I told myself, “This is an adventure!”

Sound silly? I don’t think so. Our mindset matters in every situation.

Later, Bud came in and said, “Hey, we can put a banner on our website advertising teletherapy!”

Then it hit me. Lots of people will be on-line searching for things. This could be an opportunity! Not only to meet our current client’s needs but to expand our horizons through virtual therapy.

So, here’s the truth: I’ve still been stressed. Stress and anxiety are my weak spots. But I am also excited about the adventure and opportunity!

That’s turned my mind to your situation, pastor.

I’ve been trying to envision how your church could be able to create virtual spaces for people to meet.

I’ve wondered if your church could create a message of hope on your Facebook page. Could you boost that post or create an ad with it to reach folks in your geographic area or greater area?

I’m curious: what Ideas do you have? How can you change this time of overwhelm and seeming chaos into an opportunity for your church?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.


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